COVID19, visas and coming to Australia

Many people think that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused the complete closure of Australia’s borders.
The borders are closed to tourists and visitors, but they are NOT closed to Australian citizens and permanent residents.
So, if you are an Australian citizen, permanent resident or the immediate family member of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you can still travel to Australia.
An immediate family includes:
- Spouse
- De Facto partner
- Dependent child
- Legal guardian
Immediate family members must have a valid visa before travelling to Australia.
Everyone arriving in Australia will have to spend 14 days in quarantine at a designated place (for example, a hotel) at your port of arrival.
What if I don’t have a visa – can I apply?
Outside Australia:
It is still possible to apply for the following visas for a person who is outside Australia:
- Humanitarian Visa
- Partner visa*
- Child visa
- Contributory Parent visa
- Temporary Parent Visa (if you are the guardian of an Australian citizen or permanent resident child)
- Carer visa
*Partner visa holders (subclass 820, 801, 309, 100) are able to enter Australia. However, Prospective Marriage (subclass 300) visa holders are not currently permitted to enter Australia.
Even if I can apply for a visa – how will I get a flight? Even if I could find a flight, it would be too expensive for me
Many visa subclasses take several months or even years before the application is processed. In many cases, it is likely to be a good idea to get your application in the queue now, rather than waiting until travel restrictions ease before lodging your application.
Flights may be cheaper and easier to come by at the time your visa application is decided.
Contact our lawyers on (03) 9416 7767 for a free 30 minute consultation about applying for a visa for someone who is not currently in Australia. Here at Kerdo Legal, we care and we can help.
Due to social distancing restrictions associated with COVID-19, we advise that all our staff are working from home until advised otherwise by government and health authorities. All client appointments will take place via telephone, skype, or zoom until restrictions are lifted. We understand that face to face contact is often preferable, however we ask for your understanding and flexibility during this in this challenging time, as we endeavour to adapt the way we work to best protect our community.