Humanitarian Visas: the Community Proposal Pilot is now OPEN until 29 July 2016!

The Community Proposal Pilot (CPP) is a national trial by the Australian government to allow communities to assist people to resettle in Australia under its Humanitarian Program. The CPP is once again taking Expressions of Interest from people with strong connections and support here in Australia.
There are only 500 positions available. YOU MUST ACT NOW! Expressions of Interest cannot be made after 29 July 2016.
What is it?
The Department of Immigration has approved some organisations as proposers (APO), like the Brotherhood of St Laurence and AMES, to help settle people who are in crisis overseas.
These APOs receive Expressions of Interest sent to them by organisations and people here in Australia (the proposers). The APO looks at the situation of the people overseas (the applicant), and also how the person proposing them can support them, both financially and physically. The proposers must pay for the assessment of the application AND the cost of settlement once the people arrive in Australia. It is very expensive, but the applicants who get chosen AND who succeed are guaranteed permanent Australian visas.
How can I be a proposer?
You have to lodge an online Expression of Interest. You can find it here.
You can choose which APO to help you. You should choose someone who lives in your State. In Victoria, if you choose the Brotherhood of St Laurance, you have to pay a $250 assessment fee to start. This is NOT a guarantee that your EOI has been accepted or has progressed to the next stage.
We can help you!
The EOI is all online, and there is only a very small space to tell the story of your loved one, why they should come to Australia and how you can help them. The questions may look easy, but many of them answer a legal question that you may not know about. It is even more difficult if English is not your first language.
We can help you because we know this area of law very well. We know what sort of things that the APO and the Department need for your case to progress to the next level. Of course, we cannot guarantee success, but we can make sure that your story and your loved one’s story is told, and that we answer all the legal questions well. If you would like our assistance, please click on “contact us” above.
You can find out more information about the Community Proposal Pilot here.